Air Asia Arrogant Jakarta Checkin
Arrogant and aggressive check in staff at Jakarta Airport for Air Asia Checkin.

Checking in an international flights is usually a smooth process but not when you fly with Air Asia. The Checkin staff decide that they are the immigration of the country you are flying to.
On a recent flight international flight from Jakarta with Air Asia I prepared to check in as I would for any flight as I frequently fly every week domestically or internationally. I am used to the process and prepare for a smooth friendly check in. My passport is new pre-covid it is 75% full of stamps and visas. I've never had issues with it.
But the female checkin staff at Air Asia decided to say my passport was fake and was not valid for the flight. I said that is poppycock but when the checkin staff decide they are right you have no rights.
She walked away from the checkin straight to the checkin supervisor who then directly agreed and told me that I would not be taking the flight because my document was fake.
I explained they have no right to deny boarding due to a passport as per IATA regulations and that it is Immigration who have the right to refuse.
The second point is how does he know that I will be using that passport to enter the country? People travel with multiply passports and nationalities.
He told me he is in direct contact with the arrival airport Immigration on his What's App group. In reality it was the group chat for Air Asia at Jakarta Checkin. Why does he need to lie?
He was aggressive telling me I know nothing about airlines and a completely aggressive about it as the power of supervising checkin had gone to his head.
In the end the head of the group told him to let the arrival Immigration make the decision. If Air Asia want to see the photos of the group chat as proof then send me an email in the contact.
Conclusion - be prepared for anything with Air Asia Checkin at Jakarta Airport.. they are a law unto themselves who can ruin anyones day or flight.